Contra 009 GLA Boss Finale

Upon entry into the Lions Den, You will be greeted by Minions at the Gate With Two Standing Shaitan Cannons at both Pillars of the Command Center and Two Awaiting Elbrus Storm.

My Immediate Action and Recommendation? Set a Defensive Position Immediately Near the Mouth of the Gate. And Focus all Air Firepower to Destroy the Elbrus Storm! Expand Your Economy while Building your Defensive Offense!

Slowly Eliminate Defensive Threats Of AA's and AT's Using the Aurora Bombers then let Your Thors Eat in Vital Structures While Slowly Pushing your Ground Assault to Your Right.

Nuffnang in-between


The first time I learned and played Real Time Strategy (RTS) game was, way back into my early college days. The no.1 RTS game that...